LRC says these are the top 25 books
of the past 25 years
A Short History of Progress
by Ronald Wright
Presented by Charlie Foran
Kiss of the Fur Queen
by Thomson Highway
Presented by Margaret Atwood
Generation X
by Douglas Coupland
Presented by Adam Sternbergh
Citizen of the World and Just Watch Me:
The Life of Pierre Elliott Trudeau
by John English
Presented by Michael Valpy
Boom, Bust and Echo
by David Foot with Daniel Stoffman
Presented by Michael Adams
Shake Hands with the Devil
by Roméo Dallaire
Presented by Thomas Axworthy
Clearing the Plains:
Disease, Politics of Starvation and the Loss of Aboriginal Lifeby James Daschuk
Presented by Niigaan Sinclair
Shooting the Hippo: Death by Deficit and other Canadian Myths
by Linda McQuaig
Presented by Bruce Campbell
Sisters in the Wilderness
by Charlotte Gray
Presented by Alissa York
A Fine Balance
by Rohinton Mistry
Presented by Rashi Khilnani
Nation Maker:
John A. MacDonald: His Life, Our Times
by Richard Gwyn
Presented by Patrice Dutil
Fire and Ice:
The United States, Canada and the Myth of Converging Values
by Michael Adams
Presented by Dimitry Anastakis
The Better Angels of Our Nature:
Why Violence has Declined
by Stephen Pinker
Presented by Erna Paris
The Book of Negroes
by Lawrence Hill
Presented Grace Westcott
Paris 1919: Six months that Changed the World
by Margaret MacMillan
Presented by Jane Hilderman
No Logo
by Naomi Klein
Presented by Derrick O’Keefe
Alias Grace
by Margaret Atwood
Presented by David Staines
The Unconscious Civilization
by John Ralston Saul
Presented by Bronwyn Drainie
The Tipping Point
by Malcolm Gladwell
Presented by Ibi Kaslik
The Brain That Changes Itself
by Norman Doidge
Presented by Lawrence Scanlan
Dark Age Ahead
by Jane Jacobs
Presented by Suanne Kelman
Blood and Belonging:
Journeys into the New Nationalism
by Michael Ignatieff
Presented by Nahlah Ayed
The Love of a Good Woman
by Alice Munro
Presented by Judy Stoffman
The Inconvenient Indian
by Thomas King
Presented by Lee Maracle
A Secular Age
by Charles Taylor
Presented by David Cayley
Labels: anniversary, books, special issues
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