Thursday, January 19, 2012

King's College in Halifax considering masters program in creative non-fiction

The King's School of Journalism in Halifax is surveying the market to see what appetite there is for a Master's in Creative Nonfiction program beginning in the summer of 2013. (It seems to be pitched at books, but could also be interesting to magazine writers interested in long-form journalism.)
According to a posting on the Toronto Freelance Editors and Writers listserv by Stephen Kimber, Rogers Communications Chair in Journalism at King's and a columnist for the Halifax Metro, it would be a two-year limited residency program, with two, two-week summer residencies in Halifax and two one-week winter "publishing" residencies, one in New York and one in Toronto.
Students will work one-to-one and in small groups—face to face and online—with the country's best nonfiction writers and teachers, and graduate with a complete book proposal and a substantial portion of a finished book manuscript.


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