
Monday, September 10, 2012

Portfolio of illustrators created to celebrate 10 issues of Global Brief

Those who remember how the quarterly international affairs magazine Global Brief was almost smothered in its crib by Research in Motion mogul Jim Balsillie will want to celebrate with art director Louis Fishauf the creation of 10 issues of the beautifully illustrated magazine. Fishauf has created a portfolio of the covers and featured inside  artwork he has commissioned  from some of the best illustrators around; the likes of Gary Taxali, Blair Drawson, Keith Negley, Brad Yeo, Jose Ortega and Noah Woods. 
"I'm quite proud of all the great art work represented in the portfolio," says Fishauf. "Despite working with a very modest art budget, I've been able to recruit some of the finest illustrators in Canada, the US and Europe, by cashing in some of the goodwill that still lingers from my AD heyday, and offering the artists a lot of creative freedom."

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a great issue! Just want to make sure you get the illustrators' names correct. It Gary Taxali, not Taxili.


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