Andrew Coyne jumps from National Post to Maclean's

Ken Whyte, Editor-in-Chief and Publisher of Maclean's, said:
"We are delighted to have Andrew at Maclean's," says Whyte. "He's a great addition to our enviable roster of correspondents. He's a brilliant journalist-funny, insightful, profound. He'll write a column as well as longer pieces. We'll also benefit from his editorial guidance in our coverage of national affairs in print and online. Andrew knows Canada and its politics as very few others do but his interests are broader than just Ottawa and we intend to use the full scope of his talents at Maclean's."
On his personal blog, Coyne said:I leave the Post with great reluctance, and not a little heartache....But every now and then you have to shake things up, and try something new, and the opportunity Maclean’s presented was simply too good to pass up. I have always wanted to try my hand at editing, and having only ever worked in newspapers, am eager to see what the magazine side of the business looks like. And what a place to start: Maclean’s is an established title, with all the strength that brings, and yet one that is in the process of reinventing itself, with the fluidity that suggests. Under my old boss Ken Whyte, it has put together a first-rate bunch of writers and editors, and it just sounds like something that would be a lot of fun to be involved in.Not that I’ll be any less busy on the writing side. In addition to a weekly column, I’ll be writing longer-form pieces for the magazine, as well as blogging for the website (at last, paid to blog!)."
Before being one of the original "Posties" at the National Post, the tart-tongued, vaguely rightish Coyne has been an editorial writer and columnist for The Financial Post, Globe and Mail, and the Southam newspaper chain. He's also frequently visible on public affairs panels on CBC Television and TV Ontario.
He is the winner of two National Newspaper Awards and the Hyman Solomon Award for Excellence in Public Policy Journalism. Raised in Winnipeg, Coyne graduated with a B.A. in Economics and History from the University of Toronto and a Master's degree from the London School of Economics.
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