Mark your calendar: TFEW 10th
anniversary on Oct. 6

The evening will include
● An encomium by me (whatever an ecomium is!)To know how much cake to have on hand, the normally laid-back TFEWers need people to be more than usually punctilious about saying whether or not they're coming. Send your RSVP (or your regrets) to so the organizers know how much space to reserve, appetizers to order, etc.
● A reading by Margaret Webb from her recently published book, Apples to Oysters: A Food Lover’s Tour of Canadian Farms
● A reading by Tim Falconer from his recently published book, Drive: A Road Trip Through Our Complicated Affair with the Automobile
● An awesome 10th anniversary TFEW cake
● Door prizes, including magazine subscriptions & special surprises. (National Post graphic columnist Steve Murray will be sketching a large, ink wash New Yorker-style cartoon depicting the freelancers swirling around him during the event which will be a door prize for one lucky reveller.
There will be some appetizers provided. Everything else is a la carte.
*Take the Carlton streetcar east to Parliament & walk north. Or grab a Wellesley bus east from the Wellesley subway station, get off at Parliament, & walk 2 blocks south.
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