Monday, May 16, 2016

Biennial salary and billing survey being done in the communication design industry

The Association of Registered Graphic Designers (RGD), Creative Niche and the Graphic Designers of Canada (GDC) are collaborating on a national survey of salaries and billing practices in the Canadian communication design industry. The results of Creative Earners will be published in November. RGD has produced 8 editions of the salary survey since 2001. 

The research is aimed at people in such positions as art director, design director, graphic designers, brand/content strategists, production managers and so on. Some of those will be found, doubtless, in digital and print magazines. 
"The report will provide insights into financial trends in the creative communications sector in Canada and offer a summary of the current status of communication design professionals – who they are, the services they offer, how they define their profession and where they think the industry is headed."
 [Previous (2014) report]



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