"Not dead, just transformed"; Ricepaper mag discontinues print edition

“We’re not dead, We’re just transformed,” founder Jim Wong-Chu told The Georgia Straight. “We’ve been around 20 years.That’s a long legacy. We’re transitioning online, we have a whole group of editors working on the online thing, and in two to three years, they’ll see if the switch will focus on that medium.”Wong-Chu attributed the decision in part to competition from other platforms for attention and a lack of funding.
“A lot of [funding] was disappearing because you were dealing with the Harper era and they’re cutting, cutting, and cutting. $20,000 disappeared this year—a large component of what keeps the magazine running,The online version will have video interviews, podcasts and even an ACWW archive.
“We spend 60 percent of our time trying to fund-raise and write grants just to keep it afloat, which is way off-balance, as opposed to serving the community; you can only put in so much content.
“We decided that it was not cost-effective and we didn’t want to get to the point that we were pushed out,” Wong-Chu says. “So we decided to get out before we were pushed out.”
Labels: print and web
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