Friday, April 07, 2006

Peladeau rides to rescue Sun papers

In the elliptical way that press releases sometimes employ to obscure rather than illuminate, Quebecor Inc. has announced that Pierre Karl Peladeau has been named Vice-Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Quebecor Media, giving up his position as President and CEO of Quebecor World, the company's troubled printing operation. He is being replaced at Quebecor World by Wes Lucas.

This may be the case of dealing with the area of greatest need: Peladeau had seized the reins at Quebeor World because it was in serious trouble with a slump in sales and a real mess in Europe. It didn't appear that he had succeeded in this rescue, but now it seems he is more needed at the troubled Sun newspaper division, part of Quebecor Media. It would be interesting to know the inside story here.


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