Wish magazine reader forum hacked by Turkish nationalists

If you were to name a less likely place to promote radical, Turkish politics, it would be the forum of the fashion, home and lifestyle magazine Wish, published by St. Joseph Media. But a group of hackers have hijacked the forums of the Wish website with an ominous black page that says Hacked by Turkish Nationalist and Republican Group.
While the main website and the magazine is full of pastel colours, Christmas cookie recipes and how to make your silver shiny, the forums, which normally is a place for reader comment and discussion, is draped in black and says it is under control of a group whose aim is
"to repulse every kind of attack which is made to Turkish Republic, to stop publication systems which are aiming to change the constituonal order,this hacker group hack the sites that are Anti-Turk, Anti-Islam, Satanist and pornographic."
How bizarre!
I knew the people at Wish were Satanists!
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