It's unfortunate that the February issue of
Toronto Life, just out, contains not only exiting editor John Macfarlane's final editorial, but also a prominent correction (not available online), signed by Macfarlane, on the magazine's letters page. It concerns a recent article about Tim Horton's story and was clearly mitigation for the suggestion (or inference) that Ron Joyce somehow took advantage of Horton's widow in taking over the eponymous donut chain. As a swan song, the correction was not a great way for a guy to go out after 15 years piloting one of Canada's best city magazines.

In his farewell editorial, Macfarlane said
"I've been asked what I'm going to miss. That's easy. Magazines are intensely collaborative, and I'll miss the talented people -- writers, photographers, illustrators, editors and art directors -- with whom it's been my good fortune to work. People like -- and especially -- Angie Gardos, who started as a fact checker and became my right hand. I'll also miss the moments when -- reading the Globe or listening to Metro Morning or attending a Soulpepper opening, or dining at the bar at Scaramouche -- the words would form in my mind: "We should do a story on [fill in the blank]." I'll miss being able to shine a light on whatever or whoever I think might -- or should -- interest the readers of Toronto Life."
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