Monday, February 11, 2008

Seed magazine founder critical of firing Canada's science advisor

The editor of Seed, the science magazine, has waded into the controversy about the firing of Canada's national science advisor, Arthur Carty. Founder and editor Adam Bly came back from the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland and wrote in the March issue:
Canada needs a science adviser to guide our Prime Minister through this fast-changing landscape. The consequence of diminishing this position is apparent from my vantage point in the United States where the Bush Administration has repeatedly ignored science and scientists. It began by moving the Office of Science and Technology Policy out of the White House, escalated to abolishing the Office of Technology Assessment in Congress, and resulted in immeasurable damage to the Bush presidency and indeed the country....

Canada should not make the same mistake. In fact, this is a rare moment where Canada can benefit from America's deficiency in scientific leadership. If scientists can't or don't want to work in the United States, create an open invitation that highlights Canada's strong scientific community, labs and overall quality of life. Foster competitiveness by nurturing a scientifically literate population. Distinguish Canada from the United States with policy, diplomacy, and action that reflects this enlightened modern perspective.
(Seed is effectively an American magazine now, headquartered in New York, but had its origins in Montreal, where Bly founded it. Hence the "our" in his editorial.)


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