Canadian Living magazine launches
mobile app

According to a story in Media in Canada, Canadian Living Mobile will automatically deliver and store content to a user's handheld device. (The magazine has 4.3 million readers of its print edition, according to PMB and its website,, has 1.2 million average unique monthly visitors, according to comScore.)
"This gives our readers - who lead very busy lives - a fun and useful tool to get trusted information while they're on the go," says Lynn Chambers, publisher of Canadian Living and leveraging address book integration on a user's smartphone, the app, developed by Toronto-based mobile tech provider Polar Mobile, also provides social media and viral features like article pass-alongs to friends and invites to use the application.
Since it launched on Sept. 15, another Transcontinental mobile app for The Hockey News ( has attracted 19,200 users.
The Canadian Living application can be dowloaded at And then, if you need to look up the recipe for Dundee Cake on your phone, you can.
What an excellent idea! I waste a lot of time/paper writing down ingredient lists for recipes... this is a really great way to get a magazine's audience engaged with their digital content.
I interned at Canadian Living a few years ago and I thought they were amazing at being open to how the Internet can make their magazine better. I love this idea!
Not sure if this has been noted before, but both Canadian Business magazine and Maclean's have newish mobile apps for the iPhone. CB has had a BB version for a while now. All from Polar Mobile, which did Canadian Living.
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