Monday, December 01, 2008

What makes Vice successful? -- for one thing, staying "in character"

Journalist and blogger Ryan Bigge has posted an article about Vice magazine he wrote for Masthead, but which was never published. It details the things he learned about Vice's success while researching his Master's degree thesis. Among them, the fact that the magazine always stays "in character" no matter whether it's run in Montreal or (now) New York, whether it's publishing or running a record or clothing label.
Despite hopping from platform to platform with the frequency of a cheap ham radio, Vice has managed to transfer its essential “Viceness” to each of these projects, allowing the magazine to reach new viewers without alienating their core audience.


Blogger M said...

It's a great article and I'm sad we never got to publish it. It was actually commissioned by Bill Shields. I kept moving it from one issue folder to the next but could never seem to find a space for it. Glad to see Ryan took the initiative to publish it himself.

1:48 pm  

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