Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Quote, unquote: The fifth stage

  • Denial–"This Internet thing is just a fad," or "Craig who?"
  • Anger–"Bloggers are NOT journalists," or "Stop linking to our site!"
  • Bargaining–"But wait, maybe we can figure out how to get people to pay for news on the Web."
  • Depression–"Another buyout/layoff? We're all gonna lose our jobs."
Mark Potts over at the blog Recovering Journalist, adapting Elizabeth Kubler-Ross's five stages of grief to what he sees as the current situation with print. He goes on to the fifth stage, acceptance:
While there are still many journalists and newspaper executives still trapped somewhere in the first four stages, all of a sudden we're seeing several prominent thinkers come to the realization that newspapers, as we know them, may be going away–soon. And they're starting to realize that the world won't end at the same time.



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