Freeze blue box rates; make system fair, demands Magazines Ontario

Tomorrow morning, Stewardship Ontario is holding its annual meeting. The released agenda suggests an event heralding achievement—and there may be many. However, not all participants are treated reasonably and fairly.The association points out that, since 2004 blue box levies on Ontario magazine companies have increased over 2,500%. For 2009, rates are up 53 per cent for magazines, compared with 4% for other paper and 11% for cost-driving waste.
Ontario companies, says MC, are paying for foreign magazine spill; there is no mechanism to impose levy requirements on foreign companies. Voluntary compliance by foreign publishers through Canadian-based isn’t working, but there are 56 million foreign title units sold and well over 60% of foreign publishers are not voluntarily participating. Ontario, which contributes 28 million units, is put at a competitive disadvantage.
Magazines Ontario has recommended that Stewardship Ontario
- Freeze rates at 2008 levels until the review recommendations are implemented
- Immediately impose the blue box levy on first importers—not as a voluntary exercise
- Direct municipalities to freeze costs and generate efficiencies
- Enable a public private partnership of mills; printers; publishers; wholesalers and distributors
- Establish a set of core expectations focused on environmental policy goals
- Build on the principles that integrate environmental stewardship and economic growth
- Ensure municipal and other suppliers are cost driven
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