Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Taddling down the road: a peripatetic little literary with a big itinerary

Starting a few weeks ago with launch of its summer number called the "Out of Towner Issue" in Toronto, the twice-yearly literary Taddle Creek has undertaken a cross-continent tour to promote itself. 
This is not a small matter for the small, yet spunky, magazine because it is one of those unfortunates left in the lurch by the revisions of the funding requirements of the Department of Canadian Heritage (see previous posts). In round numbers, the magazine says that its funding has thus been cut 40% and its postage costs increased 40%400%. So it, more than ever, needs to increase support from readers far and near.
The Taddle Creek Travelling Series of Happenings has now completed a swing through the Maritimes, with readings and libations in Halifax, Fredericton and Saint John. Next week, on August 2 it's in Portland, Oregon with readings by Michael Christie, Lee Henderson and Catherine McGuire. On August 3 it's in Vancouver, with readings by Michael Christie, Peter Darbyshire, Lee Henderson and Marguerite Pigeon. (Coyly, the itinerary says that fall dates in Montreal and New York are to be announced.)
As an aside, the magazine's reach has been extended with copies being sold in three bookstores in the U.S.: Quimby's in Chicago, McNally Jackson in New York and City Lights in San Francisco. (Of course, people who value such publications could always subscribe to show their support. We understand that, given its financial challenges, the $12 annualrate for two years (4 issues) won't probably stay that way for long.)

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Blogger Andrée Lachapelle said...

I was confused there, for a moment: I am used to seeing the word "peripatetic" used in French sentences as "peripateticienne." Which does, indeed, mean street walker -- but not so much in the sense of "walking around the streets to promote books."

Live and learn...

11:26 am  
Blogger D. B. Scott said...

I live and learn, too. I wasn't aware of "peripateticienne" (I'll have to try and slip that into a future conversation!) But my English dictionary defines peripatetic simply as "travelling or itinerant".

12:05 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a smart little mag.

1:02 pm  

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