The new look |
Chatelaine magazine has unveiled a new bilingual logo for its May issue, an all-uppercase version that incorporates a stylized circumflex in the A and which allows the new logo to roll out unchanged in the French version in its June issue. The typeface is Neutraface 2.
According to a story in Marketing (a sibling publication at Rogers Publishing), publisher Tara Tucker says the timing was right for the new look to coincide with June's 85th anniversary issue.
“The magazine has really evolved over the last couple of years in terms of look and feel,” added Jane Francisco, editor-in-chief . “We felt the [previous] logo wasn’t keeping up with the design and the voice of the brand.” In addition, “because print is only a small part of what the brand stands for now, the logo has to have strength in all the different media platforms.
The old logo |
The May issue has four different covers which coincide with an advertising partnership with Rona. Each cover version has a different coloured chair and accessories and on the inside front cover, the camera pulls back to show a woman painting the wall in the same colour palette, with a Rona paint can on the floor. A co-branded promo page runs inside the magazine, highlighting the four different colour palettes.
The issue also features an editorial piece on how to create a great entryway using different colours and accessories. Rona “wanted to feel integrated, but we wanted to make sure the editorial was pure, alongside their objectives,” said Francisco.
Sorry, but Rona's involvement did colour the editorial product. Unless boring pictures of chairs are the new norm for Chatelaine subject matter, it seems the team got distracted by Rona's needs and forgot to consider what's of interest to the reader.
I do like the new logo.
Who really cares about a new logo. It is just a smoke screen to hide and blur the increase in 'native advertising,' the euphemism for 'plug,' 'advertorial,' 'stroking,' etc.
Magazines always had a knock for shooting themselves in the foot by kowtowing and acquiescing to ever increasing advertiser demands without any regard for their credibility, which comes only from quality content.
Sucking up to advertisers is not quality content.
Sucking up to advertisers will only speed up a magazine's demise.
Isn't that logo rather masculine and clumsy for a women's magazine ??
And must mention how that quagmire of cover lines is impossible to navigate through.
Do they have to qualify their claim of being "#1 Magazine in Canada" as it says on the top of the cover? I wonder how that was determined.
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