Friday, July 11, 2008

Hearst and MSN team up to offer foodie portal

Hearst Magazines have deepened their alliance with MSN by creating a multi-title online portal for foodies called According to an item from Folio:, the website will feature original content and editorial expertise of writers and editors at Hearst titles like Country Living, Good Housekeeping, Quick and Simple and Redbook.
Advertisers who buy ads on will also be able to buy packages covering some or all of the Web sites for these four Hearst titles, as well.

Traffic may come from other sites on MSN, which already syndicates text and video content for the magazine publisher's online properties.

This is another example of partnership between print and online providers, such as the recent decision of Rogers Publishing b-to-b titles to collaborate with Torstar's Workopolis to have it operate their job boards. And while it is done internally, rather than in partnership with another company, Transcontinental Media's aggregation of content from its various women's service publications in (and, before that,


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