The finalists for the National Magazine Awards have been announced. Among the highlights:
• Cynthia Brouse has been awarded The Foundation Award for Outstanding Achievement for her exceptional contributions to the Canadian magazines community.
• The three finalists for the coveted award Magazine of the Year are AlbertaViews, Canadian Business and Spacing.
• The winner of this year's award for Best New Magazine Writer is Kris Demeanor, for an article entitled "Get A Real Job" that appeared in Unlimited (Jan/Feb 2008).
• The 3 finalists for the NMAF's fourth annual award for Best Student Writer are Canice Leung (Ryerson Review of Journalism), Laura Trunkey (Prairie Fire) and Chris Watt (Maisonneuve).
• First-time nominated magazines this year include Best Health, CARP, Canadian Running, Géo Plein Air, Kingston Life, Globe Investor and Worn Fashion Journal.
• 13 French-language magazines received a record 50 total nominations
From more than 2000 individual entries nationwide, the NMAF's 210 volunteer judges nominated a total of 341 submissions from 79 different Canadian magazines for awards in 36 written, visual and integrated categories. The results will be announced at the awards gala on June 5 in Toronto. Top nominated magazines were:
| Written | Integrated | Visual | Total |
The Walrus | 21 | 1 | 6 | 28 |
L'actualité | 23 | 3 | 2 | 28 |
Toronto Life | 18 | 5 | 4 | 27 |
Maclean’s | 19 | 0 | 1 | 20 |
Report on Business | 11 | 0 | 8 | 19 |
Explore | 15 | 1 | 0 | 16 |
Chatelaine | 9 | 0 | 2 | 11 |
Cottage Life | 5 | 2 | 4 | 11 |
Maisonneuve | 5 | 2 | 3 | 10 |
enRoute | 4 | 1 | 5 | 10 |
Other major nominated magazines: Swerve (9); Québec Science (7); More (7); Malahat Review (7); Canadian Business (6); Glow (6); Vancouver Magazine (6); Canadian Home & Country (5); Outdoor Canada (5); Prairie Fire (5).
French language magazines with multiple nominations included L'actualité (28) and Québec Science (7). Also nominated this year are: Revue Commerce (2), Clin d'oeil (2), Jobboom (2), Ciel Variable (2).
The individual writer with the most nominations was Chris Koentges with 5, followed by Valérie Borde, Gerald Hannon and J.B. MacKinnon with 4 nominations and Mark Anderson, Kim Pittaway, David Hayes, Jay Teitel, Don Gillmor and Sophie Doucet with 3 each. 18 other writers are nominated at least twice.
Three articles have been nominated for writing awards in 2 categories:
• "Sins of a Mother" by David Hayes in Chatelaine (Society and Investigative Reporting);
• "Requiem for a River" by Mark Anderson in Outdoor Canada (Travel and Sports & Recreation); and
• "Helen Koentges" by Chris Koentges in Swerve (Personal Journalism and Health & Medicine).
Photographers Natasha V and Stacey Haines are each nominated 4 times. Roger Lemoyne, Martin Tessler and Chris Nicholls each received 3 nominations for their photographic work. Among illustrators, Sam Weber, Dan Page and Kagan McLeod each received 2 nominations.
The NMAF will present Gold, Silver and Honourable Mention awards at the 32nd annual National Magazine Awards gala, June 5, 2009 at the Carlu in Toronto, presented by CDS Global.
For tickets and other information, including bio of outstanding achievement award winner, nominated student work and the text of the winning entry for the best new magazine writer visit