Herald Trib's nameplate changes as NYT
"tightens the leash"
A slight detour from this blog's usual fascination with magazines, into that delightful cul-de-sac of typography.
This time about the decision by the New York Times to essentially "tighten the leash" and remove distinctiveness of the International Herald Tribune newspaper by redesigning its nameplate and slugging it "The Global Edition of the New York Times". Plus redirecting people who go to the IHT website to the New York Times site, presumably in the interests of concentrating what advertising there is available on the mothership.
The logo evolution last year removed the dingbat in the middle and now it has been changed to emphasize the word "international".
It will somehow never have the glamour the, then, New York Herald Tribune enjoyed in the 1960Jean-Luc Godard film "A bout de souffle", starring Jean Seberg.
Thanks to Andrew Cusack's blog for the pix and a trenchant review of the new look.
This time about the decision by the New York Times to essentially "tighten the leash" and remove distinctiveness of the International Herald Tribune newspaper by redesigning its nameplate and slugging it "The Global Edition of the New York Times". Plus redirecting people who go to the IHT website to the New York Times site, presumably in the interests of concentrating what advertising there is available on the mothership.
The logo evolution last year removed the dingbat in the middle and now it has been changed to emphasize the word "international".

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