New magazine hopes to provide "colour and dash" to Canadian politics

The new title blends fashion and photography with detailed commentary on national and international political developments.

"I hope to make the subject of politics more appealing to younger people," says Sir John founder Anthony Santelli. "I want to promote Canadiana."
Born to Italian immigrant parents, Santelli is a self-confessed political junkie, and had been working as an elementary school teacher in the Toronto area prior to launching Sir John.
"If all goes well, we plan to do a monthly print version of the magazine in late spring or summer 2008," states Santelli.
politics and cover girls? interesting mix...
DB - I'm all for sexing up political coverage . But don't you think it's creepy the way that they're advertising for cover models?
It depends, I suppose, on whether you think the misspelling "please bare with us" is a subliminal message to hopeful cover subjects.
a very very unoriginal name for the magazine... when one considers that John-John named George after Washington.
Canadians always behave so guiltless when they're so obviously derivative... it's criminal.
as for sexing up... George debuted with Cindy Crawford dressed as George...
I'm not sure how long they'll manage to stick around. I can't seem to read any content without purchasing a membership. And I'm not inclined to plonk down $32 for a membership to something I can't preview. Not a very sound business plan.
It doesn't help that what little bits I can read (the opening couple sentences to each article) and the call for models is poorly written and doesn't smck of much originality.
Too bad, it seems like it could be a good idea.
I think its a great idea.
I subscribed and the models are intelligent young women. There is nothing creepy about it. They are not naked or anything.
You are missing the point here. Its a good mix and with regards for the name, it identifies with the founding father of Canada. Nothing wrong with that.
I think Canadians need to stop living in a shell and open up a little. Too narrow minded and scared of something bold, fresh and new. I applaud this concept and I for one hope it works.
So let me just end it with this, Cosmopolitan which I am sure is a very popular magazine for many is defined as a magazine about the globe, free from bias yet, every month I am told it talks about how a woman can jack her man off 36 times or more.
Lighten up. It is a good idea and its much needed.
As far as Scott's comment, I am not sure but would venture to guess that is the point they are trying to make.
I love the quote "I hope to make the subject of politics more appealing to younger people."
Please. You want to make politics more appealing to young men.
I sincerely doubt the aim is to profile "cover girls" based on their intelligence. I think the stats they request are a good indication of what they believe the role of women is in regards to their magazine.
It would be nice if their "sexing up" included female readers as well. The only way women are involved is by showing some (cough) "non-creepy" skin.
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