Azure magazine designers pick up
Good Design Awards

According to a posting on MediaBistro, the prestigious international competition cited Toronto design team Diti Katona, and John Pylypczak (founding partners) of Concrete Design Communications with Tom Koukodimos, Levi Nicholson, Jordan Poirier and Agnes Wong for their design of Azure Jan-Feb 2007 issue (that's the 2008 equivalent shown at right).
Wong, Katona and were picked for their identity design for the Toronto restaurant Cava. Natalie Do, Katona, and Pylypczak also won for their spring, 2007 brochure for Lida Baday.
The Good Design Awards program was founded in 1950 by Eero Saarinen, Charles and Ray Eames, and Edgar Kaufmann, Jr.and is administered by the Chicago Athenaeum in conjunction with the European Centre for Architecture, Art, Design, and Urban Studies, and the Metropolitan Arts Press. The awards in various categories, including graphic design, are judged using Saarinen and Co.'s original criteria, with winners assessed on innovation, form, materials, construction, concept, function, and utility as well as product appearance and aesthetic appeal.
Labels: art direction, awards, design
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