Transcon Vice-chair Isabelle Marcoux named to board of Rogers

- a very senior executive of Canada's largest consumer magazine publisher, Transcontinental Media, is sitting at the table with Canada's second largest consumer magazine publisher, Rogers Publishing;
- Rogers' principal printer for all its consumer and trade publications is no longer simply a supplier, but is sitting at the boardroom table.
According to Rogers spokeswoman Jan Innes, the company is well aware of the situation and will act accordingly if a conflict of interest arises.
"Magazines are a very small part of Rogers' business. Ms. Marcoux will recuse herself from any Board level discussion of magazines," Ms. Innes said in an e-mail.]
Who said the big can't get bigger?
Perhaps this is the first tangible manifestation that Rogers in in talks with Transcon to, at last, sell off that little rump of a magazine division that it's been milking into chaffed teatedness for the past 15 years? Hmm?
I think it behooves the reclusive sybarite Brian Segal to comment on this altogether bizarre appointment.
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