U.S. ad campaign promoting magazines -- what a creepy concept

Like the Canadian campaign (one example below) from Magazines Canada ("Make the connection with magazines") that preceded it by a year or more, t
But am I alone in feeling that the Canadian ads are better, kinder and gentler (and probably more effective) than the U.S. ads? The MPA campaign is meant to be funny or tongue-in-cheek, but just manages to be creepy.
That poor woman, led by magazine advertising to be surrounded by a ton of melting premium ice cream...not to mention the inescapable subtext of addiction in the term "under the influence".
Labels: Advertising
Which ad makes you look twice? Not the MagsCanada ad.
omigod--the MPA ads are awful!! Look how unhappy that woman is! That's not tongue-in-cheek advertising--that's finger-down-throat advertising (esp if she tries to eat all that ice cream).
But then this is from the people who tried to rename magazines "maga-brands." Someone's been sniffing too much bindery glue.
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