Quebec magazine Summum condemned for article on suicide information sources

The editor is unapologetic, according to a story circulated on the CanWest News Service, contending that the intention of the article was to denounce the fact that so many websites give out information on how to kill oneself.
Organizations such as the Canadian Mental Health Assocaition denounced the article as an irresponsible and dangerous way to tackle a sensitive issue and risked influencing vulnerable people to kill themselves."Police should get involved and close down those websites," said Alain Rochette, noting the article also provides information on where to get help.
He acknowledged the shocking photos and garish black and white layout probably sent mixed messages, but Rochette was adamant the article, written by a community worker only identified as Jean-Francois B., does not encourage suicide.
"What our writer told us is that people who are looking for information about suicide usually don't commit suicide, while those who really want to do it will do it anyway, no matter what," Rochette said.
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