Sunday, December 05, 2010

FIPP becomes...FIPP, officially

The International Federation of the Periodical Press, which everyone has taken to calling FIPP has changed its name officially to FIPP Limited, with the revised tagline "The worldwide media magazine association".  The change was approved by members at a general meeting December 2.
"FIPP is not only changing its name, but also its mission, its organisation structure, and its approach to its products and services so that it represents more appropriately what our members are doing and the journey they are on in developing multimedia brands that come from a magazine heritage starting point,*” said president and CEO Chris Llewellyn in a post on its website
The new name and mission is being reflected in new articles of association which will have the added benefit for FIPP's far-flung members (of whom Magazines Canada is one) that future communications can be sent electronically; until now, everything was mandated to be delivered in hard copy.
[*How do you like the concept of print being a "magazine heritage starting point"?]

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