Marijuana seed-selling goes mainstream while promoter languishes in U.S. prison
The Treating Yourself Expo, Canada's largest medical marijuana and hemp trade show (organized by Treating Yourself Magazine, Canada's bimonthly medical marijuana publication) has sold about $30,000 in advance tickets so far and has 108 exhibitors, according to organizer Marco Renda. There will be competitions, a roster of speakers and the "World's Largest Vapor Lounge" open to anyone with a medical marijuana card or a compassion club membership..The event itself is open to anyone 16 years of age and older; minors must be accompanied by an adult.
Cannabis Culture magazine and the Free Marc Emery campaign has been given a free booth at the event and Jody Emery, Marc's wife, is attending on the heels of a three-day visit to see her husband in prison in Yazoo City, Mississippi. (See the video of the Jody Emery Show, just prior to her visit.)
Thank you for reporting on this, D.B. It's a bloody travesty that he's sitting a U.S. jail right now (or any jail for that matter).
Yes, it is a travesty. Nobody should be sitting in any jail, anywhere, for having anything at all to do with the cultivation, distribution, possession and enjoyment of pot.
But Emery, a libertarian at heart, seemed driven by a quasi-religious zeal to piss as many people off as possible, and that's what got him into serious s***. Unlike what's happening in Toronto, he was exporting marijuana seeds to the U.S. Dumb move.
That said, my heart goes out to him and Jody. Terrible situation, all around.
Agreed Emery rubs the authorities' noses in it, but he probably considers this necessary to get the attention this issue deserves. I also wonder if any of those 33 seed companies ever sell mail order to U.S. addresses. I'll bet they do.
I love Canada !
Anon here:
If any of those companies are exporting seeds to the U.S., they're helmed by fools. Tommy Chong did nine months in a U.S. jail for conspiracy to sell bongs. In America, this is not a game.
Agreed, foolhardy. The contrast between policies (or, in Canada's case, non-policy) is striking, though. Still (without evidence) I,m pretty sure some plain brown wrappers are being used.
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