Could it be true? Is Apple no longer 'cool'?

The Independent in Britain has published an interesting article asking the earth-shaking question whether Apple is cool any more. How the very enthusiasm of Apple fans for the company's original ethos is being ranged against it. "The people who, over the internet, shared their incredulity that the masses should persist in buying PCs, have now come together to call Apple to account," says writer Julia Pierce.
Could it be true? Could the hipsters be turning on their one true love?
Nope, not true. They're still the best package in form and function.
The article doesn't seem to be available online without a subscription, or through factiva. Does anyone know any other way to get it?
Sometimes will work on a free site with registration, but I'm afraid on a paid site like the Independent, you either have to see the piece on the day it is published or pay 1 pound sterling to do so later. Regrets.
Hmm, that's funny, I got to it easily. Also, the story was a lot like one published on the website (called iSweat) two weeks earlier.
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