Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Iceberg-wrangling article takes veterans on a voyage of exploration in Legion magazine

The Legion magazine has for several years run a continuing series called Celebrating Canada which is a counterpoint to the usual line of military history and veterans' affairs. "Believing that too often we take too much for granted in Canada, Legion magazine's editors created this series to explore the nature of this grand land. From people to places, from business to industry, we chronicle natural wonders and significant achievements."

So, while Canadian Geographic probably is not looking over its shoulder, the current issue of the Legion (September October) has an article about iceberg wrangling that might well have appeared in the pages of CG (perhaps more lavishly illustrated).

Paid for by offshore oil drilling companies, these wrangling services literally and figuratively lasso icebergs and deflect them away from the rigs. If a rope or cable won't go round a berg or hold, they hit it with a water cannon.


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