Access Copyright sues Staples for $10 million for copyright infringement

A Canadian Press story about the suit was carried today by the Toronto Star. Access says it is the largest such claim over copyright infringement in Canada.
Staples /Business Depot is the and most stores operate business centres where the public can access dozens of pay-per-copy photocopiers.
The story said Access Copyright, which represents the rights of some 9,000 writers and publishers across Canada, had been trying since 1998 to get Staples to pay attention to concerns raised by creators and publishers."Staples/Business Depot is a sizable, for-profit organization that has built part of its business through a lucrative service that exploits the published works of authors, photographers and publishers," Access Copyright said in a release.
"Companies that photocopy illegally are effectively taking money directly out of the pockets of creators and publishers who depend on book sales and copyright royalties
for their livelihood."
Companies that profit from illegal photocopying "are undermining the work of others," said Maureen Cavan, executive director of Access Copyright.
"Despite repeated attempts by Access Copyright to reach a settlement and come to an amicable resolution, Staples/Business Depot has made no perceivable changes to their business practices."
Go Access!!
I'd love to hear more details on this. Like why Staples and not Kinko's? What are they doing differently?
I passed on your question to Access Copyright president Maureen Cavan and asked her if the intention was to make an example of Staples/Business Depot. Here is her reply:
"In answer to the astute question, Kinkos/FedEx already has an Access Copyright licence, as do most other national chains and many of the smaller independent outlets. There is no need here to set an example."
Thanks D.B.!
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