A University of Missouri study shows that men find impossibly perfect, airbrushed women on the covers of men's magazines to be emasculating, intimidating and hard to live up to, says
a story in
Folio:While female readers may respond to photos of skinny, flawless models with negative feelings about their own bodies, the study’s lead researcher, Jennifer Aubrey, said, “Men make inferences that in order to be sexual and romantic with women of the caliber they see in Maxim magazine, they also need to be attractive.”
Pictures of hot women, the study found, were more disturbing to a guy’s body image than were pictures of men with rippling abs and bulging biceps.
Who would have guessed that Maxim’s Edyta Sliwinska’s sultry look could be more intimidating than Taye Digg’s ripped thorax? Feeling insecure about our bodies, it appears, is equal opportunity.
Then I apparently enjoy feeling insecure.
Yes, bring on the self-loathing and body issues!
Years ago, I did some circulation-promotion work for Playboy magazine. One of their control packages - used for several years - involved a contest in which the winner got to fly to Los Angeles to spend a weekend at the Playboy Mansion, surrounded by the very sort of women the magazine celebrated. What was interesting was (despite the success of the offer) how frequently the contest winner would fail to show up to claim his reward. The theory was that - for the readers of what was essentially a "dream book" - the reality was simply too daunting.
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