Wednesday, September 26, 2012

NADbank data says daily newspaper readership holding steady in major markets

The latest NADbank data about newspaper audiences says that 8 in 10 urban adults read newspapers every week and printed editions continue to be the most popular way to read. 
  • In Toronto 75% of adults 18+ read either a printed or online edition of a daily newspaper each week, 49% every day.
  • Halifax has the highest weekday print readership (56%); the highest total daily reach (64%) and the highest total weekly reach (86%).
  • Calgary has the highest weekly reach of print readers (78%).
  • Online readership is highest in Halifax (44%), followed by London and Ottawa-Gatineau (37%), Montréal and Calgary (34%), and Edmonton (32%).
The readership of daily newspapers for both printed and online editions remains stable in all these markets, says Anne Crassweller, the president of NADbank.
Weekly readership results for other markets are 79% in Montréal, 80% in Vancouver, 80% in Ottawa-Gatineau, 80% in Calgary, and 79% in Edmonton.
As will be seen by the table below, the impact of online readership of newspapers to total daily reach ranges from 6%  in Vancouver to 11% in Ottawa-Gatineau.  [Source: NADbank]


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