Oh. my. God. (a lesson for us all)

But remember that Murphy's Law ("anything that can go wrong, will") has a corollary ("if there is a choice of things to go wrong, the worst will always happen")
From the blog Tech Crunch:
The June issue of Business 2.0 magazine was inadvertently deleted from the editorial server on April 23, according to a number of sources. And the backup server wasn’t working properly. The result? An entire issue down the drain just two weeks before press time.
Editor in Chief Josh Quittner told the New York Times that they’d still make the print deadline because their lawyers had email copies of all of the text. All of the artwork and page layouts were gone forever, however, and had to be recreated from scratch.
A 2003 article in Business 2.0 likened backups to flossing - “everyone knows it’s important, but few devote enough thought or energy to it.” I guess Business 2.0 forgot to floss.
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