James Chatto, Toronto Life's longtime food editor, dismissed
[This post has been updated]
According to Globe and Mail food columnist Lucy Waverman, Toronto Life magazine has dispensed with the services of James Chatto, its longtime food editor. Apparently the reason given was that the magazine is "heading in a new direction".
Chatto has been writing about food, wine and restaurants for the magazine since 1987; his most recent (and presumably last) article for the magazine was the Best Restaurants 2010 feature.
[UPDATE: Toronto Life magazine editor Sarah Fulford told the [Toronto] Star in an interview Friday “the time had come” to end Chatto’s regular dining column.
“Columns have lifespans,” Fulford said. “This one has run its course.”“James’ type of column – the 3,000 word dining column….was a very particular kind of writing for a particular time and place,” she said. “We’re not looking to replace James.”]
I'm waiting to see all the comments on this but one day later - nada.
WTF?! The Man that Ate Toronto for the past 22 years dismissed!
I've read every column of James' since his first and often wondered when he would run out of steam. That day never arrived.
James was a major factor in elevating Toronto's restaurant scene and creating the cult of the celebrity chef in Hogtown. He deserved to say when it was time. Or at the very least, been given sufficient notice to write that special last column.
I wonder what Robert Fulford must be thinking of the new direction for the magazine.
God, this is sad. Reading James's column was the way in which I engaged with the city's restaurant scene -- not the listings and reviews -- because it was a consistently well done piece of MAGAZINE WRITING, with all that implies: narrative, elegant use of language, broad and deep knowledge. Which is why I used to read Toronto Life from cover to cover. Not anymore.
He's the whole reason this magazine is still around.
Maclean's will hire him create their own Toronto Restaurant Guide.
He's way better off without that tail-spinning train-wreck of a dying magazine. He'll resurface elsewhere at a more vital publication with a dynamic editor (and a genuine art director) and his words will resonate with a informed audience.
Toronto Life has become useless.
I just googled James Chatto to look for one of his recent articles and was horrified to read of his dismissal. He is the best thing about Toronto Life magazine. They have surely lost their minds!
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