Magazine and Web Publishing Program at Ryerson University's Chang School in Toronto starts its fall term in September and there are a number of excellent skill- and career-building opportunities. Here what's on offer in the fall term -- only a few short weeks away. (Note: I teach two of these courses*.) Feel free to forward this posting to anyone who might be interested.
CDJN 112 — Magazine and Website Publishing*An overview of the business challenges and opportunities confronting magazine publishers today. All aspects of managing magazines, print or web-based, are touched upon: editorial, marketing, management, integration of web and print, advertising, production, and distribution; plus the challenges in starting a new publication. Guest speakers from the industry provide insights and the chance to ask questions and discuss issues. This course complements all other courses in the certificate program.
An intensive, two-day course [Friday and Saturday] that covers all practical aspects of launching a magazine today, in print or online.[This is another course I teach.] Offered 21-22 October, 27-28 January.
Penny Caldwell, the award-winning editor of Cottage Life magazine teaches a practical, step-by-step introduction to print and online magazine editing. The emphasis in this fourteen-week course is on learning job skills in a workshop environment.
Well-known freelance writer and author Margaret Webb has created a fourteen week course aimed at those with a serious interest in writing and selling non-fiction articles to magazines. It is an introduction to the basics of conceiving, focusing, pitching, researching, structuring, writing and revising a full-length feature magazine story.
Veteran freelance writer David Hayes leads a project-intensive fourteen-week advanced course is designed for serious students of magazine feature writing to further develop their reporting and narrative skills. Pieces written for this course now routinely find their way to publication in major magazines, sometimes before they’ve been graded. (Usually taken following the course above.)
Bernadette Kuncevicius, the senior editor at CA magazine, introduces students to the skills and knowledge required to ensure a high degree of clarity, consistency, and accuracy, as well as precise and appropriate use of language, in magazine editorial copy - print or web-based. Students often say this course and fact-checking (see below) makes getting an entry-level position in the business that much easier.
A seven week (half) course taught by Bernadette Kuncevicius (see above). In the magazine business, fact-checking is a key entry-level job, a way for aspiring writers or editors to learn how a magazine works and how professional writers put together a story, and to develop relationships with editors that can lead to assignments or jobs. For writers, the more they know about what happens to an article in fact-checking, the better prepared they'll be to provide what editors want - and to protect their copy.
Gwen Dunant is very well-known across Canada as a teacher and mentor for people involved in the critical area of selling magazine advertising. This seven-week (half) course provides students with the knowledge and skills required to sell magazine advertising in today's highly competitive marketplace.
Editors at magazines of all sizes are expected to have some knowledge of design and page layout software programs, principally Adobe InDesign to coordinate text and layout with art departments, to organize editorial production and copy flow, and to edit and format text. This seven-week (half) course happens Saturday mornings, taught by Shannon Griffiths, and will provide you with the basics.
Labels: professional development